The Book of Family (2020)
A set of bilingual children’s picture books (published by Habbi Habbi) teaching kids about non-traditional family structures.
I worked with Habbi Habbi to illustrate their Book of Family—a set of books to help kids learn Chinese and Spanish with a magic “reading wand.”
With the Book of Family, kids experience different family structures—from multigenerational, to single-parent, to blended families and more. This book also has a family tree, reminding kids how to address different family members. For example, in Chinese, names are different for maternal vs paternal grandparents and uncles and aunts on different sides of the family.
“He loves loves loves the Family book. He just loves looking at all the different families on each page. And I think it’s just so incredible the content that you provide—to help families get acquainted to everything that is real in this world.”
Every inch of the book is tappable with the reading wand, to make the experience as interactive as possible for kids:
Tap sentences: To hear it read aloud in English and Chinese/Spanish
Tap vocabulary boxes: To hear vocabulary about objects in the illustrations
Tap the characters: To hear their expressions and conversation
Tap the rest of the illustration: Explore the environments the family is in
Tap white space: For a fun musical tune!